Samppi - foliar biostimulant fertilizer

35,00 lei

Weight: 100 ml

100 ml
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Full description and specifications

Samppi is a biostimulating fertilizer designed for foliar application, but it can also be applied by fertigation. It can be used successfully both in the case of agricultural crops and in the case of ornamental plants.

Contains: N 8%, P 3%, K 3%, Mg 2%, Ca 1%, trace elements (Boron 0.1%, Fe 0.4%, Cu 0.05%, Zn 0.05%, Mn 0 .7%, Mo0.1%) and auxiliary compounds, but also an adjuvant that ensures foliar adhesion and superior absorption.

It stimulates plant development and can generate more spectacular or richer productions/blooms.
The application is done by spraying on the leaves or by diluting in the watering water - this way the preparation is quickly absorbed into the plant tissues.
This product gave very good results in the treatment of orchids and other exotic plants.
For orchids and other exotic plants, we recommend a dilution of 1ml per 1l of water.
Like Atonik, Samppi is a biostimulator (newer generation), which positively influences most of the vital processes in plants, such as:
- increasing the assimilation surface,
- increasing the total chlorophyll content and the intensity of the photosynthesis process,
- increasing the content of plant hormones, lignin, proteins, carbohydrates and mineral elements,
- increase in enzyme activity,
- amplification of cytoplasmic movement, etc.
Application of the product positively influences:
- the generative growth of plants (stimulation of flower fertility, by increasing the percentage of fertile pollen grains and by lengthening the pollen tube)
- increasing biomass accumulation.
After applying the product, its active substances immediately and very easily enter the plant cells, being quickly metabolized into compounds that occur naturally in plants and perform similar functions.